Contact VK4NGA

Phone Contacts:

Workshop phone Monday to Friday only – as of 8/6/2024 I Have a New Number: 0493 875055

It’s a mobile phone but it lives in the workshop.

If I’m there I’ll answer – otherwise send me an SMS or leave a message and I’ll get back to you.

Hamshack Hotline 3300003
Hams Over IP 300032


The Hotspot MMDVM software known as Pi-Star is supplied “as is” and is open source. I simply provide a basic level of support to get you “on air”. If you alter the original configuration in any way, you risk causing the hotspot to malfunction and as such, support will be provided at a cost. ALSO if you decide to install the WPSD dashboard or full software package, I don’t support that at all, as such, support will be limited to making a replacement Micro SD card which will be at a cost to you.

The software known as Hamvoip – Allstar software used in the DuraNode is supplied “as is” and is open source. I simply provide a basic level of support to get you “on air”. If you alter the original configuration in any way, you risk causing the node to malfunction and as such, support will be limited to making a replacement Micro SD card which will be at a cost to you.

PHONE: It’s best to pre-arrange a phone call time that suits us both as I’m not always in the workshop.

EMAILS: Are usually answered by the next business day.

ALSO: You can send me a PM/message via my VK4NGA Facebook Page (NOT my personal Facebook account).

Alternatively If you have any questions at all, feel free to send me an email message using the form below, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. 73, Glenn.

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