Group Buy DuraNode AllStar Node Hardware Kits For Clubs



DuraNode AllStar Node Hardware Kits

Group Buy For Clubs

If your club members are interested in building AllStar nodes then I’m happy to assist with a customised “Group Buy”.

Pricing will be negotiated depending on the quantity you are wanting to buy.

This will include assistance from me to make sure all members nodes are up and on air.

The VK4NGA kit comes with complete with online build/configuration instructions.

DuraNode Simplex 70cm FM Node kit for AllStar. Photos show this kit as it comes, the case photos are of a completed node, but obviously assembly is required.

This kit is to enable you to build a Raspberry Pi hosted AllStar RF Node using the AllStarlink network.

AllStarLink is a network of Amateur Radio repeaters, remote base stations and home nodes accessible to each other via Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). AllStarLink runs on a dedicated computer (including the Raspberry Pi) that you host at your home or repeater site. It is based on the open source Asterisk PBX running the app_rpt application. App_rpt makes Asterisk a powerful system capable of controlling one or more radios. It provides linking of these radio “nodes” to other systems of similar construction anywhere in the world via VoIP.

The DuraNode is similar to the traditional “hotspot” in that it runs on a Raspberry Pi with an RF hat, and is connected to the AllStarlink network via the internet. The only difference is that the hat uses an FM radio chip, hence no need for a digital radio.

Any FM transceiver with CTCSS that operates in the ham bands can access the node.

DuraNode Simplex FM Node hardware kit for clubs – group buy:

This is a ham construction kit designed by VK4NGA that implements a Raspberry Pi hosted AllStar RF Node. This RF hat kit is to suit the Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ or 4B series.

Assembly Skill Level: Intermediate – only 2 solder joints required on the bottom of the Raspberry Pi board, plus PCB to Raspberry Pi assembly.

Computer Skill Level: Advanced – SSH ACCESS IS HOW YOU CONFIGURE THE NODE. Also the node has to be connected via Ethernet for initial configuration setup.

Kit Contents:

The VK4NGA designed/manufactured AllStar RF FM DuraNode hat – is fully assembled, no soldering needed on the hat. The RF hat Is fully tested and it comes pre programmed with operating frequency and CTCSS of  441.250 91.5 CTCSS. This can be changed by you via SSH access.

Cable with JST connector to connect the hat to the Raspberry Pi – goes between the PCB’s and is soldered to the underside of the Pi.


Heatsink/s for the Raspberry Pi processor.

Quality Laird brand Ferrite filter for the PSU – the Chinese ferrites don’t work.

Quality class 10 Micro SD card with the VK4NGA customised version of Hamvoip software installed and mostly configured including a customised version of the Supermon web browser dashboard. By doing this, coupled with my instructions, I’ve taken care of most of the tricky configuration issues, which is the main problem most node builders face when building their nodes.

*What you’ll need to supply:

A Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ or 4B 1gb

A 240v 2amp power supply

Recommended supplier for these is Core Electronics in NSW.


You cannot buy direct from this website, if you are interested in a product please go to the contact page and send me a message with what you are after.





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